2020 Vol. 39, No. 7
Display Method:
2020, (7): 1-2.
2020, 39(7): 1-10.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1574-4
In the past nearly two decades, the Argo Program has created an unprecedented global observing array with continuous in situ salinity observations, providing opportunities to extend our knowledge on the variability and effects of ocean salinity. In t...
In the past nearly two decades, the Argo Program has created an unprecedented global observing array with continuous in situ salinity observations, providing opportunities to extend our knowledge on the variability and effects of ocean salinity. In t...
2020, 39(7): 11-18.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1576-2
A strong spring Wyrtki jet (WJ) presents in May 2013 in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. The entire buildup and retreat processes of the spring WJ were well captured by two adjacent Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers mounted on the mooring system...
A strong spring Wyrtki jet (WJ) presents in May 2013 in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. The entire buildup and retreat processes of the spring WJ were well captured by two adjacent Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers mounted on the mooring system...
2020, 39(7): 19-31.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1575-3
Interannual variability (IAV) in the barrier layer thickness (BLT) and forcing mechanisms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO) and Bay of Bengal (BoB) are examined using monthly Argo data sets during 2002–2017. The BLT during November–Januar...
Interannual variability (IAV) in the barrier layer thickness (BLT) and forcing mechanisms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO) and Bay of Bengal (BoB) are examined using monthly Argo data sets during 2002–2017. The BLT during November–Januar...
2020, 39(7): 32-41.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1627-8
The characteristics of the T/S structures, water mass exchange and deep circulation in the Andaman Sea are investigated based on the simulation from a high-resolution general circulation model (MITgcm). The results show that, below 1 000 m, the water...
The characteristics of the T/S structures, water mass exchange and deep circulation in the Andaman Sea are investigated based on the simulation from a high-resolution general circulation model (MITgcm). The results show that, below 1 000 m, the water...
2020, 39(7): 42-49.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1613-1
Electron microprobe analysis was conducted on plagioclase from the plagioclase ultraphyric basalts (PUBs) erupted on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) (51°E) to investigate the geochemical changes in order to better understand the magmatic processes ...
Electron microprobe analysis was conducted on plagioclase from the plagioclase ultraphyric basalts (PUBs) erupted on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) (51°E) to investigate the geochemical changes in order to better understand the magmatic processes ...
2020, 39(7): 50-60.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1623-z
The sea surface temperature (SST) seasonal cycle in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) plays an important role in the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. However, the reasonable simulation of SST seasonal cycle in the EEP is still a cha...
The sea surface temperature (SST) seasonal cycle in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) plays an important role in the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. However, the reasonable simulation of SST seasonal cycle in the EEP is still a cha...
2020, 39(7): 61-68.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1626-9
We investigate the air-sea momentum flux in the marine atmospheric boundary layer using a tower-based direct measurement method. First, we compare the collected data with previous observations, and the results are roughly consistent. Next, in the low...
We investigate the air-sea momentum flux in the marine atmospheric boundary layer using a tower-based direct measurement method. First, we compare the collected data with previous observations, and the results are roughly consistent. Next, in the low...
2020, 39(7): 69-78.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1573-5
Many typhoons pass through the East China Sea (ECS) and the oceanic responses to typhoons on the ECS shelf are very energetic. However, these responses are not well studied because of the complicated background oceanic environment. The sea surface te...
Many typhoons pass through the East China Sea (ECS) and the oceanic responses to typhoons on the ECS shelf are very energetic. However, these responses are not well studied because of the complicated background oceanic environment. The sea surface te...
2020, 39(7): 79-90.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1596-y
The comprehensive three-dimensional structures of an anti-cyclonic mesoscale eddy (AE) in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean were investigated by combining the Argo floats profiles with enhanced vertical and temporal sampling and satellite al...
The comprehensive three-dimensional structures of an anti-cyclonic mesoscale eddy (AE) in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean were investigated by combining the Argo floats profiles with enhanced vertical and temporal sampling and satellite al...
2020, 39(7): 91-106.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1603-3
Between June 2015 and June 2017, two pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (PIESs) and five current and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (CPIESs) deployed along a section across the Kerama Gap acquired a dataset of ocean bottom pressure ...
Between June 2015 and June 2017, two pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (PIESs) and five current and pressure-recording inverted echo sounders (CPIESs) deployed along a section across the Kerama Gap acquired a dataset of ocean bottom pressure ...
2020, 39(7): 107-114.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1625-x
This study presents an analysis of the spectral characteristics of remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) in northwestern South China Sea based on the in situ optical and water quality data for August 2018. Rrs was initially divided into four classes, clas...
This study presents an analysis of the spectral characteristics of remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) in northwestern South China Sea based on the in situ optical and water quality data for August 2018. Rrs was initially divided into four classes, clas...
2020, 39(7): 115-126.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1622-0
This study examines wave reflection by a multi-chamber partially perforated caisson breakwater based on potential theory. A quadratic pressure drop boundary condition at perforated walls is adopted, which can well consider the effect of wave height o...
This study examines wave reflection by a multi-chamber partially perforated caisson breakwater based on potential theory. A quadratic pressure drop boundary condition at perforated walls is adopted, which can well consider the effect of wave height o...
2020, 39(7): 127-134.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1610-4
HY-2A (Haiyang-2A), launched in 2011, is the first ocean dynamic environment satellite of China and is equipped with a radar altimeter as one of the primary payloads. HY-2A shifted the drift orbit in March 2016 and has been accumulating geodetic miss...
HY-2A (Haiyang-2A), launched in 2011, is the first ocean dynamic environment satellite of China and is equipped with a radar altimeter as one of the primary payloads. HY-2A shifted the drift orbit in March 2016 and has been accumulating geodetic miss...
2020, 39(7): 135-145.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1612-4
In this study, oil spill experiments were performed in a water tank to determine changes in the surface scattering characteristics during the emulsification of oil spills. A C-band fully-polarimetric microwave scatterometer and a vector network analy...
In this study, oil spill experiments were performed in a water tank to determine changes in the surface scattering characteristics during the emulsification of oil spills. A C-band fully-polarimetric microwave scatterometer and a vector network analy...
2020, 39(7): 146-164.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1619-8
In previous studies, Lagrangian analyses were used to assess large-scale ocean circulation, and the Lagrangian coherent structure could also reveal the evolution of the two-dimensional structure of the mesoscale eddies. However, few studies have demo...
In previous studies, Lagrangian analyses were used to assess large-scale ocean circulation, and the Lagrangian coherent structure could also reveal the evolution of the two-dimensional structure of the mesoscale eddies. However, few studies have demo...
2020, 39(7): 165-174.
doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1624-y
Recent studies have revealed that the predominant tidal constituents have seasonal variations at some locations. However, how to accurately obtain these variations remains a problem for the traditional harmonic analysis (HA) due to the tradeoff betwe...
Recent studies have revealed that the predominant tidal constituents have seasonal variations at some locations. However, how to accurately obtain these variations remains a problem for the traditional harmonic analysis (HA) due to the tradeoff betwe...