Mar. 2025


2024 Vol. 43, No. 8

2024-8 Cover
2024, 43(8): .
2024-8 Contents
2024, 43(8): 1-2.
Articles$Marine Geology
Identification of the Caroline Plate boundary: constraints from magnetic anomaly
Yongtao Fu, Guoliang Zhang, Wanyin Wang, An Yang, Tao He, Zhangguo Zhou, Xiao Han
2024, 43(8): 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2272-9
The Caroline Plate is located among the Pacific Plate, the Philippine Sea Plate, and the India Australia Plate, and plays a key role in controlling the spreading direction of the Philippine Sea Plate. The Caroline Submarine Plateau (or Caroline Ridge...
Tomographic inversion of OBS converted shear waves: case study of profile EW6 in the Dongsha area
Genggeng Wen, Kuiyuan Wan, Shaohong Xia, Xiuwei Ye, Huilong Xu, Chaoyan Fan, Jinghe Cao, Shunshan Xu
2024, 43(8): 13-25. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2274-7
Studies of converted S-wave data recorded on the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) allow for the estimation of crustal S-wave velocity, from which is further derived the Vp/Vs ratio to constrain the crustal lithology and geophysical properties. Construc...
Geochemical characteristics and origins of natural gases in the eastern Cote d’Ivoire Basin, West Africa
Li Li, Quan Li, Tao Cheng, Songling Yang, Yong Rao, Xinyu Liu, Wenjing Ding
2024, 43(8): 26-36. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2335-6
The gas sources in the eastern Cote d’Ivoire Basin (Tano Basin) are seldom reported and remain controversial due to multiple sets of potential source rocks and poorly documented geochemical characteristics of natural gases. The marine source rock pot...
Application of C30 tetracyclic polyprenoids as effective biomarker in oil-to source rock correlation in the Zhu Ⅲ depression, Zhujiangkou Basin, northern South China
Lei Lan, Youchuan Li, Shuchun Yang, Yang Ouyang, Wenjing Ding, Qing Lin, Shanshan Zhou
2024, 43(8): 37-46. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2346-3
The northern South China Sea, including the Zhujiangkou Basin and the Beibuwan Basin, developed high-quality lacustrine source rocks during the Eocene rifting period. These source rocks are vital for hydrocarbon generation in the northern South China...
Diatoms as indicators of environmental change in coastal areas: a case study in Lianjiang coast of East China Sea
Tong Li, Jihui Zhang, Dongling Li, Chengxu Zhou, Chenxi Liu, Hao Xu, Bing Song, Longbin Sha
2024, 43(8): 47-57. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2292-0
Owing to the significant differences in environmental characteristics and explanatory factors among estuarine and coastal regions, research on diatom transfer functions and database establishment remains incomplete. This study analysed diatoms in sur...
The occurrence phases and enrichment mechanism of rare earth elements in cobalt-rich crusts from Marcus-Wake Seamounts
Jingjing Gao, Jihua Liu, Hui Zhang, Shijuan Yan, Xiangwen Ren, Quanshu Yan
2024, 43(8): 58-68. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2276-5
To explore the occurrence phases and enrichment mechanism of rare earth elements (REEs) in cobalt-rich crusts, this study analyzes the mineral composition and REE contents of the samples from Marcus-Wake Seamounts by XRD, ICP-OES and ICP-MS. The resu...
Acoustical imaging of the nearshore seafloor depositions and deformations, a key study for Western Istanbul, Türkiye
ÖZGAN Sinan, ALP Hakan, BAYAT Oğuz, VARDAR Denizhan
2024, 43(8): 69-78. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2197-3
To protect the sustainability of the benefits from seas and near coastal areas, which have under the effect of the very complex hydrodynamic conditions and intensive human activities, without disrupting the balance of nature, it is necessary to image...
Articles$Marine Biology
Temporal variations of food web in a marine bay ecosystem based on LIM-MCMC model
Pengcheng Li, Hu Zhang, Chongliang Zhang, Binduo Xu, Yupeng Ji, Yiping Ren, Ying Xue
2024, 43(8): 79-88. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2273-8
Climate change has led to significant fluctuations in marine ecosystems, including alterations in the structure and function of food webs and ecosystem status. Coastal ecosystems are critical to the functioning of the earth’s life-supporting systems....
Thiosulfate oxidation and autotrophy potential by marine prevalent heterotrophic bacteria of genus Marinobacter
Fei Xu, Xiang Zeng, Yadong Gong, Zongze Shao
2024, 43(8): 89-97. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2263-x
The genus Marinobacter is very broadly distributed in global environments and is considered as aerobic heterotroph. In this study, six Marinobacter strains were identified with autotrophic thiosulfate oxidation capacity. These strains, namely Marinob...
Frequent recombination in Cynoglossus abbreviatus (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae) ribosomal 18S rDNA
Li Gong, Tingqi Jiang, Bilin Hu, Kaixin Wang, Nannan Zhang, Zengliang Miao
2024, 43(8): 98-103. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2291-1
The conventional theory of concerted evolution has been used to explain the lack of sequence variation in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes across diverse eukaryotic species. However, recent investigations into rRNA genes in flatfish genome have resulted in...
Dietary exposure to sulfamethazine, nanoplastics and their binary mixture disrupts the spermatogenesis of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma)
Yuting Zhang, Ruanni Chen, Zhiqiang Chen, Xiaoyu Fu, Ziyi Wu, Jinwan Chen, Lingtian Xie, Humin Zong, Jingli Mu
2024, 43(8): 104-110. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2289-8
In the coastal environment, the co-occurrence of antibiotic and nanoplastic pollution is common. Investigating their individual and combined toxicity to marine organisms is of great necessity. In the present study, the reproductive toxicity of sulfam...
Impacts of Early Pleistocene glacial vicariance among refugial lineages and Mid-Late Pleistocene interglacial dispersal and expansion on forging population genetic structure of the giant clam Tridacna squamosa (Bivalvia: Cardiidae: Tridacninae) across the Red Sea and Indo-West Pacific oceans
Temim Deli
2024, 43(8): 111-127. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2265-8
This study aims at identifying the microevolutionary processes responsible for the onset of the remarkable phylogeographic structure already recorded for the endangered giant clam Tridacna squamosa across its distribution range. For this purpose, the...
Morphological, phylogenetic and metabolite profile of Prorocentrum clipeus, a newly recorded epiphytic dinoflagellate in the northern Yellow Sea
Ruifang Wang, Mengmeng Tong, Shiwen Zhou, Junjie Zheng, Wenguang Zhang, Xinfeng Dai, Douding Lu, Jiarong Hu, Tianze Leng, Qinglin Mu, Zhongyong Yan, Jiangning Zeng, Pengbin Wang
2024, 43(8): 128-141. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2302-2
More than 30 species of benthic Prorocentrum have been identified, some of which produce okadaic acid (OA) and its derivatives, dinophysistoxins (DTXs), which cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP). Increasing numbers of benthic Prorocentrum spec...
A review on the parasitic isopod genus Notophryxus G. O. Sars, 1883 (Crustacea: Isopoda), and first report of Notophryxus globularis G. O. Sars, 1885 from Lakshadweep Sea (Amini Island)
Mukkattu Nazar Suhaana, Jaime Gómez-Gutiérrez, Paravanparambil Rajakumar Jayachandran, Punnakkal Hari Praved, Sivasankaran Bijoy Nandan
2024, 43(8): 142-153. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2217-3
Isopod crustaceans of the family Dajidae are exclusively marine ectoparasites. The genus Notophryxus G. O. Sars, 1883 currently includes nine nominal species, which are very rarely reported as the chances for encountering these specimens are unpredic...