Mar. 2025


2022 Vol. 41, No. 6

2022-06 Cover
2022, 41(6)
2022-6 Contents
2022, 41(6): 1-2.
Dynamics of ecosystems and anthropogenic drivers in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem
Jun Sun, Yinfeng Guo, Gyung Soo Park, Andrew Hudson
2022, 41(6): 1-3. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2055-8
Articles$Dynamics of ecosystems and anthropogenic drivers in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem
Environmental effects of mariculture in China: An overall study of nitrogen and phosphorus loads
Jihong Zhang, Wenguang Wu, Yuchen Li, Yi Liu, Xinmeng Wang
2022, 41(6): 4-11. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1909-9
Eutrophication in coastal area has become more and more serious and mariculture potential is a main cause. Although there are some quantitative research on nutrient loads in national and global perspective, the calculation method problems make the re...
Radium-traced nutrient outwelling from the Subei Shoal to the Yellow Sea: Fluxes and environmental implication
Jian’an Liu, Dongyan Liu, Jinzhou Du
2022, 41(6): 12-21. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1930-z
The Subei Shoal is the largest sandy ridge in the southern Yellow Sea and is important source for nutrient loading to the sea. Here, the nutrient fluxes in the Subei Shoal associated with eddy diffusion and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) were ...
Estimating seasonal habitat suitability for migratory species in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: A case study of Tanaka’s snailfish (Liparis tanakae)
Yunlong Chen, Xiujuan Shan, Dingyong Zeng, Harry Gorfine, Yinfeng Xu, Qiang Wu, Tao Yang, Xianshi Jin
2022, 41(6): 22-30. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1912-1
Acquiring a comprehensive and accurate understanding of habitat preference is essential for species conservation and fishery management, especially for mobile species that migrate seasonally. Presence and absence data from field surveys are recommend...
Distribution and invasion of Spartina alterniflora within the Jiaozhou Bay monitored by remote sensing image
Jianbu Wang, Zhaoyang Lin, Yuanqing Ma, Guangbo Ren, Zijun Xu, Xiukai Song, Yi Ma, Andong Wang, Yajie Zhao
2022, 41(6): 31-40. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1907-y
Spartina alterniflora as an alien invasive plant, poses a serious threat to the ecological functions of the coastal wetland of the Jiaozhou Bay. As of 2019, the distribution area of S. alterniflora in the Jiaozhou Bay has reached more than 500 hm2. F...
Distribution of phytoplankton in the East China Sea and the southern Yellow Sea in spring in relation to environmental variables and dimethylsulfide compounds
Jiawei Zhang, Yanghang Chen, Xueyan Ren, Vishal Patil, Lin Sun, Xuesong Li, Junrong Liang, Jun Zhang, Yahui Gao, Changping Chen
2022, 41(6): 41-53. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1913-0
The coastal ecosystems are highly sensitive to climate change and are usually influenced by variations in phytoplankton communities and water physiochemical factors. In the present study, the phytoplankton community, chlorophyll a (Chl a) and their r...
Long-term nutrient variation trends and their potential impact on phytoplankton in the southern Yellow Sea, China
Yan Wang, Yongjian Liu, Hao Guo, Haibo Zhang, Dongmei Li, Ziwei Yao, Xiaocheng Wang, Chuan Jia
2022, 41(6): 54-67. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2031-3
The concentration and composition of nutrients, such as N, P, and Si, respond to biogeochemical processes and in turn, impact the phytoplanktons’ community structure and primary production. In this study, historical data was systematically analyzed t...
Winter distribution of diatom assemblages along the coastline of R. O. Korea in 2010
Joon Sang Park, Kyun-Woo Lee, Seung Won Jung, Taek-Kyun Lee, Hyoung Min Joo
2022, 41(6): 68-77. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1929-5
Diatoms are a globally successful and eukaryotic photosynthetic organism with an ornamented silica external wall. The relationship between their valve morphology and habitat means that diatoms can be used as bioindicators to characterize the aquatic ...
Two drifting paths of Sargassum bloom in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea during 2019−2020
Chao Yuan, Jie Xiao, Xuelei Zhang, Mingzhu Fu, Zongling Wang
2022, 41(6): 78-87. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1894-z
The macroalgal blooms of floating brown algae Sargassum horneri are increasing in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea during the past few years. However, the annual pattern of Sargassum bloom is not well characterized. To study the developing pattern a...
Articles$Marine Chemistry
Fluxes of riverine nutrient to the Zhujiang River Estuary and its potential eutrophication effect
Li Zhang, Yumin Yang, Weihong He, Jie Xu, Ruihuan Li
2022, 41(6): 88-98. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1919-7
The Zhujiang River Estuary is becoming eutrophic due to the impact of anthropogenic activities in the past decades. To understand nutrient dynamics and fluxes to the Lingdingyang water via four outlets (Humen, Jiaomen, Hongqimen and Hengmen), we inve...
Responses of nutrient biogeochemistry and nitrogen cycle to seasonal upwelling in coastal waters of the eastern Hainan Island
Nan Zhou, Sumei Liu, Guodong Song, Yunyan Zhang, Lingyan Wang, Xiaoyan Ning
2022, 41(6): 99-113. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1934-8
The coastal upwelling has profound influence on the surrounding ecosystem by supplying the nutrient-replete water to the euphotic zone. Nutrient biogeochemistry was investigated in coastal waters of the eastern Hainan Island in summer 2015 and autumn...
Temperature coefficient of seawater pH as a function of temperature, pH, DIC and salinity
Yubin Hu
2022, 41(6): 114-118. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1955-3
pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion activity in a solution, which is a function of temperature. Under normal seawater conditions, it is well constrained. Nowadays, with an increasing interest in complex environments (e.g., sea ice), a better understa...
Articles$Marine biology
Comparative mitochondrial genome analysis of Varunidae and its phylogenetic implications
Ying Zhang, Li Gong, Xinting Lu, Zengliang Miao, Lihua Jiang, Bingjian Liu, Liqin Liu, Pengfei Li, Xu Zhang, Zhenming Lü
2022, 41(6): 119-131. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1927-7
Complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) can indicate phylogenetic relationships, as well as useful information for gene rearrangement mechanisms and molecular evolution. Currently, the phylogenetic location of the genus Varuna (Brachyura: Varuni...
Seasonal variation of Caligus rotundigenitalis infestation on the host fish Etroplus suratensis from the Cochin Backwaters, southwest coast of India
Jemi Job N, A A Mohamed Hatha, C K Radhakrishnan
2022, 41(6): 132-136. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1904-1
Investigation of four edible fishes (Etroplus suratensis, Oreochromis mossambicus, Lates calcarifer, Chanos chanos) collected from a fish landing center along Cochin Backwaters has done for caligid infestation. Of these, caligids were detected only f...
Articles$Marine Technology
Assessment of theoretical approaches to derivation of internal solitary wave parameters from multi-satellite images near the Dongsha Atoll of the South China Sea
Huarong Xie, Qing Xu, Quanan Zheng, Xuejun Xiong, Xiaomin Ye, Yongcun Cheng
2022, 41(6): 137-145. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2015-3
This study assesses the accuracy and the applicability of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation solutions to derivation of dynamic parameters of internal solitary waves (ISWs) from satellite images. Visible band ima...