WANG Yu, HUANG Zongguo, WANG Chunguang, HUANG Jiangshiou, LIU Zhensheng, XU Zhenzu, HUANG Jiaqi, CHEN Ruixiang, LIAN Guangshan, DAI Yanyu, LIN Jinghong, LIN Mao. Systematics, species diversity and new taxa of mesozooplankton in the West Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas: a brief compilation of monographs in China[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(10): 229-242. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1328-8
Citation: WANG Yu, HUANG Zongguo, WANG Chunguang, HUANG Jiangshiou, LIU Zhensheng, XU Zhenzu, HUANG Jiaqi, CHEN Ruixiang, LIAN Guangshan, DAI Yanyu, LIN Jinghong, LIN Mao. Systematics, species diversity and new taxa of mesozooplankton in the West Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas: a brief compilation of monographs in China[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(10): 229-242. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1328-8

Systematics, species diversity and new taxa of mesozooplankton in the West Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas: a brief compilation of monographs in China

doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1328-8
  • Received Date: 2017-09-21
  • Research and protection of biodiversity is generally started with species recognizing guided by achievement of cataloguing and illustration obtained through in situ investigation data accumulation and literature learning. Facing the shortage of taxonomist, it is getting harder to maintain important specimen collections and handle loans. The West Pacific Ocean has been operating as a center of the origin of global marine biodiversity result of the richest species diversity of marine taxa found in these waters. The present work is a compilation and summary of systematics, species diversity and new taxa of mesozooplankton major group known in West Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas (0°–45°N, 105°–152°E) according to 6 203 mesozooplankton samples acquired from 701 stations during 1965 and 2008. A total of 2 657 species belonging to 686 genera and 206 families of 10 mesozooplankton groups have been found through taxonomic identification and document consulting. In details, 697 species from 251 genera of 99 families belong to the Medusozoa, 59 species from 22 genera of 12 families to the Ctenophora, 85 species from 36 genera of 14 families to the pelagic Mollusca (Pteropoda and Heteropoda), 416 species from 91 genera of 8 families to the Ostracoda, 908 species from 156 genera of 51 families to the Copepoda, 202 species from 60 genera of 4 families to the Mysidacea, 56 species from 8 genera of 2 families to the Euphausiacea, 105 species from 23 genera of 8 families to the Decapoda, 48 species from 13 genera of 5 families to the Chaetognatha and 81 species from 26 genera of 5 families to the Tunicata. The dominant species of each group are enumerated. Moreover, 2 new species of Medusozoa, Tubulariidae, Ectopleura, 1 new species of Medusozoa, Protiaridae, Halitiarella, 1 new genus and 1 new species of Medusozoa, Corymorphidae are established. An amount of 806 species are expanded with an increase of 43.5% on the basis of 1 852 species recorded before 2008, including 1.4% increase from tropical sea around equator, 4.0% from the frigid water in high latitude region, and 3.0% of bathypelagic-associated waters. The authors also summarized future prospects into five major areas in marine mesozooplankton research in China. Such information of qualitative phyletic classification could be of high relevance to studies on biodiversity and biogeography of marine mesozooplankton, especially for monographs contributed to make an overall and systematic conclusion on the species of marine life in China after 2008.
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