ZENG Yang, HUANG Xuguang, HUANG Bangqin, MI Tiezhu. Relationship between bacteria and phytoplankton during the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai bloom in an oligotrophic temperate marine ecosystem[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(10): 107-113. doi: 10.1007/s13131-016-0894-x
Citation: ZENG Yang, HUANG Xuguang, HUANG Bangqin, MI Tiezhu. Relationship between bacteria and phytoplankton during the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai bloom in an oligotrophic temperate marine ecosystem[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(10): 107-113. doi: 10.1007/s13131-016-0894-x

Relationship between bacteria and phytoplankton during the giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai bloom in an oligotrophic temperate marine ecosystem

doi: 10.1007/s13131-016-0894-x
  • Received Date: 2015-09-22
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-12-24
  • Bacterial abundance, phytoplankton community structure and environmental parameters were investigated to study the relationships between bacteria and phytoplankton during giant jellyfish Nemopilema nomurai blooms in the central Yellow Sea during 2013. N. nomurai appeared in June, increased in August, reached a peak and began to degrade in September 2013. Results showed that phosphate was possible a key nutrient for both phytoplankton and bacteria in June, but it changed to nitrate in August and September. Phytoplankton composition significantly changed that pico-phytoplankton relative biomass significantly increased, whereas other size phytoplankton significantly decreased during jellyfish bloom. In June, a significantly positive correlation was observed between chlorophyll a concentration and bacterial abundance (r=0.67, P<0.001, n=34). During jellyfish outbreak in August, there was no significant correlation between phytoplankton and bacteria (r=0.11, P>0.05, n=25), but the relationship (r=0.71, P<0.001, n=31) was rebuilt with jellyfish degradation in September. In August, small size phytoplankton occupied the mixed layer in offshore stations, while bacteria almost distributed evenly in vertical. chlorophyll a concentration significantly increased from (0.42±0.056) μg/L in June to (0.74±0.174) μg/L in August, while bacterial abundance just slightly increased. Additionally, the negative net community production indicated that community respiration was not entirely determined by the local primary productivity in August. These results indicated that jellyfish blooms potentially affect coupling of phytoplankton and bacteria in marine ecosystems.
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    Mi Tiezhu, Yao Qingzhen, ???执爠?卩敡爬爠敥瑴?偡???攲爰渱??㈠???湴摲敩穢????卮潳猠瑯牦攠獮??????敮瑴?愠汩????????卵整慨獥潲湮愠汹?捬潬浯灷攠湳獥慡琠楡潮湤?潥晡?浴椠捣牨潩扮楡愠汳?灡爠潩摮甠捳瑰楲潩湮?愠湡摮?爠敳獵灭業牥慲琠椲漰渱?椮渠?慣?瑡敮浯灬敯牧慩瑡攠?獴攠慌???慯牬楯湧敩??捓潩汮潩杣祡?倨物潮朠牃敨獩獮?即敥爩椬攠猴????????????戼牢?匾桐楡浳慳畯捷栠楕????唠祌敡?卒????㈠ぃ?????硲据牯敳瑴楩漠湃?愠湥摴?牡敬献瀠椲爰愰琷椮漠湍?牣慲瑯敢獩?潬映?瑹桮敡?猭捩祣灳栠潩浮攠摡畵獴慯??畯牰敨汩楣愠?慮畤爠楨瑥慴?晲牯潴浲?瑰桨敩??湳汥慡湷摡?卥敲愠?潥晳??慯灳慭湳???漠畅牦湦慥汣?漠景?传捰敨慹湴潯杰牬慡灮桫祴?????ㄠ????????扯牢?卡桬椠獬桯???????畡捴歩汣漠睍???坯????????呯敬浯灧敹爬愠琴甹爨攲?爺攱朰甹氭愱琲椱漼湢?漾晐?桴整琠敋爠潁?琠牋潩灮桧楳捦?扲慤挠瑍攠牊椬漠灒汩慳湳歩瑫漠湄?愠扥畴渠摡慬渮挠攲?‰瀷爮漠摊略捬瑬楹潦湩??愠湭摯?獩灦敹挠楴晨楥挠?来爭潳睰瑯桮?牥愠瑯敦?楰湬??桫整獯慮灩散愠歡敳??慭祢???楥浳渠潴汯漠杮祵?慲湩摥?佴挠数慵湬潳来牳愮瀠桍祡??????????????????扥牳?匠畓湥?卩潥湳本?″娵栱愺渱札??愼湢杲???楴??桋愠潁氬甠湋??数琠?愬氠???び?????爠攲攰搰椵渮朠?灯汮慴捲敡獳??灮潧瀠?畯汮慴瑲楩潢湵?摩祯湮慳洠楴捯猠??慯湲搭?摡楮獩瑣爠楮扵畴瑲楩潥湮?漠晲?瑣桹散?杩楮慧渠瑢?樠整汨汥礠晣楯猭桯?乣敵浲潲?灮楧氠敪浥慬?湹潦浩畳牨慥楳??千捡祴灯栭潳穴潹慬?剳栠業穯潳獡瑩潣浵敳愠敡??椠湐?瑹桬敬?奲敨汩決潡眠?卵敮慣?慡湴摡?琨桓散??慨獯瑺??栬椠湒慨?卺敯愭???祭摥牡潥戩椮漠汊潯杵楲慮???????????????扴牡?吠敍楡牲慩????卩敯牬牯敧瑹?偡???故牣湯??????渳搱攵稨????㈱?????偲栾祐瑩潴灴氠態渠歁琬漠湗?獬楳穨攠?猠瑔爬甠捃瑯畮牤敯??灒愠版琮椠挲田氰愹琮攠?慮湦摬?摥楮獣獥漠汯癦攠摪?潬牬杹慦湩楳捨?换慬牯扯潭湳?灯牮漠摣畡捲瑢楯潮測?慮湩摴?潯硧祥?朠敡湮?映汰畨硯敳獰?瑯桲牵潳甠杣桹?浬楩据牧漠扡楮慤氠?捬潡浮浫畴湯楮琠楰敲獯?楤湵?瑴桩敯?丮圠??扤敲牯楢慩湯?捯潧慩獡琬愠氶?琶爨愱温猺椱琳椳漭渱?稹漼湢敲???慭牥楲湯敹??挠潒氬漠杗祩?偢牥漠杗爠敊猬猠?卥敩牢楥敬猠??㈠?????????戹爱?吠桂楡湣杴獥瑲慩摡?吠?????牮潳浥???????慭湰瑥潲畡牴慵?剥??????敵瑢?慴汲????っ???乥慮瑴畲牡整?潯普?灤桵潲獩灮桧漠牴畨獥?汎楥海椭瑦慯瑵楮潤湬?楮湤?瑳桰敲?畮汧琠牢慬潯汯業朮漠瑍牡潲灩桮楥挠?散慯獬瑯敧特渠??敯摧楲瑥敳牳?牓慥湲敩慥湳??匷挵椺攱渴挳攭?‵??????????ㄠこ???ㄠぎ???戠牓?吠楃湨瑡慮?呲???慨污敮樠???′?漰猷????散瑴?慲汩??㈠で?は???攠来牦慦摩愭瑣楩潥湮?潹映?瑮栠敡??摲牯楰慩瑣楡捬?浥敳?摵畡獲慹??略牡敳汯楮慡?猠灶??扩祡?慩浬扩楴敹渠瑳?扢慳捩瑤敩牺楥慤???礠摡牬潬扯楣潨汴潨杯楮慯?????????????????扩牡?唠祅散?卬????㈠??????氵漹漱洭猵?漹昼?瑲栾敒?杪楡慳渠瑄?樠敍汵汹祬晡楥獲桴?之攬洠潄灥椠汍敥浥慳?湥潲洠界爮愠椲?愰‵琮栠牎敵慴瑲?瑥潮?琠桬敩?晩楴獡桴敩牯楮攠獯?猠畢獡瑣愭楴湥慲扩楡氠楡瑮祤?潳景?瑲档敥??慯獦琠??獴楲慩湥??慳爠杳極湰慰汯?却敩慮獧??偵汴慲湩步瑮潴渭?慩湭摩??敤渠瑢桡潣猭?剥敲獩敡慬爠捧桲????匠??ㄠ???????扯牮?坡慮渠杦?乯慯???楡湩?圠敬楡???栠敁湱??楴湩杣稠桍慩湣杲??敢瑩?慬氠???ぬ?????攳琹愨戱漩氺椵挷?猶琷愼瑢敲猾?潩晣?瑡桲敤?呯慮椠睁愠湊?匠瑂牡慫極瑮?慁測搠?瑡桹敳?湇漠牃琬栠敥牴渠?卬漮甠琲栰‰?栮椠湔慨?匠敪慥?楬湹?獩畳浨洠敪牯??ど?????潵畳牥湳愬氠?潯普?呥牱潵灥楮捣慥汳?佡据敤愠湭潡杮牡慧灥桭祥??椠湲??桰楯湮敳獥敳??????????ㄠ????扴物?坯慵湳朠??畴??塥甮??畲楥摮潤湳朠??㈠ぅ????卧灹愠琦椠潅瑶敯浬灵潴物慯汮?搠椲猴琨父椩戺申琱椲漭渳′漲昼?灲爾潓瑣潨穬潩?潺灥汲愠湒欮琠漲渰?愵渮搠?捣潥灡敮瀠潤摡?湡愠當灩汥楷椮?楨湴?牰攺氯愯瑯楤潶渮?瑷潩?瑤桥敛′漰挱挵甭爳爭攱渹振攲‰漱昵?朳椭愳渰瑝?橢敲氾汓祣晨楮獥桩?楥湲?瑇栮攠?夹攸氹氮漠睔?卥攠慣???桯楮渠敪獥敬??潦畩牳湨愠汁?潲晥?佩捡攠慡湵潲汩潴条示?慴湡摮??楮浧渠潳汴潯杣祫????????????????の?扴牲?坥敮獴琠??????偲楡瑴瑩??????坴敨汥猠桋???吠??敧瑨?愬氠???ぴづ???呂潡灬?摩潣眮渠?慡湲摩?扥漠瑂瑩潯浬?畧灹?椠渱昰氰用攴温挺攵猰?漭昵?樀攀氀氀礀昀椀猀栀?漀渀?瀀爀椀洀愀爀礀?瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀椀瘀椀琀礀?愀渀搀?瀀氀愀渀欀琀漀渀椀挀?愀猀猀攀洀戀氀愀最攀猀???椀洀渀漀氀漀最礀?愀渀搀?伀挀攀愀渀漀最爀愀瀀栀礀????????? ???? ???戀爀?圀爀椀最栀琀?匀?圀???猀栀椀欀愀眀愀?????愀爀挀栀愀渀琀??????攀琀?愀氀???  ????漀洀瀀漀猀椀琀椀漀渀?愀渀搀?猀椀最渀椀昀椀挀愀渀挀攀?漀昀?瀀椀挀漀瀀栀礀琀漀瀀氀愀渀欀琀漀渀?椀渀??渀琀愀爀挀琀椀挀?眀愀琀攀爀猀??倀漀氀愀爀??椀漀氀漀最礀????????????? ?
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