HONG Jingni, MAO Yong, NIU Sufang, SUN Tiantian, SU Yongquan. Molecular characterization and expression of HSP70, HSF and HSBP genes in Octopus vulgaris during thermal stress[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2015, 34(8): 62-72. doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0708-6
Citation: HONG Jingni, MAO Yong, NIU Sufang, SUN Tiantian, SU Yongquan. Molecular characterization and expression of HSP70, HSF and HSBP genes in Octopus vulgaris during thermal stress[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2015, 34(8): 62-72. doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0708-6

Molecular characterization and expression of HSP70, HSF and HSBP genes in Octopus vulgaris during thermal stress

doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0708-6
  • Received Date: 2014-06-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-10-28
  • Temperature is an important environmental factor that affects the growth and survival of Octopus vulgaris, the common octopus. To understand the protective mechanism that O. vulgaris exhibits under heat stress, we used rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) to obtain full-length sequences of three heat stress response related genes: (1) the heat shock protein 70 (OvHSP70), (2) the heat shock transcription factor (OvHSF) , and (3) the heat shock factor-binding protein (OvHSBP) of O. vulgaris. The OvHSP70, OvHSF, and OvHSBP proteins contained 2 222 bp, 2 264 bp, 841 bp that encoded for 635, 458 and 90 amino acids, respectively. The results of multiple sequence alignment showed that the amino acid sequences of OvHSP70 were highly conserved with respect to other species. Similarly, the DNA binding domain, the trimerization domain of OvHSF, and the coiled coil region of OvHSBP also had highly conserved regions. The real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results indicated that OvHSP70 was temperature-dependent and time-dependent, showing a positive response to heat stress. On exposure to 28℃ and to 30℃, the mRNA expression levels of OvHSF and OvHSBP were higher than those in the control group at 24℃. The mRNA expression of OvHSBP significantly increased with heat treatment at 26℃, while the mRNA expression of OvHSF decreased. The experimental results indicated that the expression of OvHSP70, OvHSF and OvHSBP were all sensitive to heat stress, which suggests that these three genes may play an important role for O. vulgaris in responding to environmental stress. Thus, this study sets a theoretical foundation for further in-depth studies on the molecular protective mechanisms of the heat response in O. vulgaris.
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    James P, Pfund C, Craig E A氮?刱改猹攷愮爠捆桵??潴浩浯畮湡楬挠慳瑰楥潣湩獦????????????????日?扭牯?卥慣浵扬牡潲漠正????割畯獮獥敳氮氠?????っづ??′?漵氨攵挲甹永愩爺??永漷渭椳游朹??? ̄?慯扤潩牨慡琠潍爬礠??慵渠畁?愠汌???牡摫?敏搬???漠污摬?匠瀲爰椰渵朮??慴牲扥潳牳??乮敨睩?奩潴牳欠???潬汥摯?卹灴牯椭湰杬??慭物扣漠牳??慴扴潬物慮瑧漠牯祦?偨牥敡獴猠?扨牯?卫愠瑰祲慯汴?卩?????样攰渮??慭祥畲敩???漠硊?卵????敬琠?慦氠????????乧敹札慃瑥楬癬攠?牨敹杳畩汯慬瑯楧潹測?漲昸?琨栴攩?栠敃愱琰″猴栭潃挱欰?琱爼慢湲猾捋牯極灲瑴楩潤湩慳氠?爬攠獓灣潯湵獲敡?戠祚??匮?倲??‵?攠湁敮獡????敳?癡敮汤漠灣浨敡湲瑡????????????????????扲牡?即档楲?奰慴湩桯潮湡杬???潩獴猠敯牦???????潍特楴浩潬瑵潳?剧???????????潩污敬捩畳氠愨牍捯桬愭灬敵牳潣湡攺猠?慩獶??卶???猠灨敳捰椷昰椠捧?瑮牥愮渠獄捎牁椠灓瑥楱潵湥慮汣?爺攠灔牨敥猠獊潯牵獲???攠湯敦猠????敢癲放汱潵灥?浣敩湮瑧?????????????????戱爩?匠??木???牢敲渾獋敵湭???????爠楕猬琠敇湩獥敲湹?呩?乫???漬攠獎捯桲捭歡敮?噓???ぴ????吠栲攰‰攲瘮漠汉畭瑭極潮湩慺牡祴?慯湮搠?敩捴潨氠潣杨楡捰慥汲?牮潥氭数?潰晴?桤敥愠瑣?獭桰潬捥歸?灩牮潤瑵散楥湳猠???挭潡汶潩杤祩??攠瑣瑹整牯獴????ㄠ?????ば????ぴ???扰牲?卶瑩敤灩慮湧攠湴歲潡??????㈠ばひ????灴潩灯瑮漠獡楧獡?慮湳摴?牨敥獲灰潥湳猠敳?瑭潰?桥數愠瑶?獲桵潳挠歩?潦晥?楴湩瑯敮爮?晊敯牵敲湮捡敬?杯敦渠敖?湲敯瑬睯潧特欬猠???漱氩攺欠由氳椶愭爱渴愱椼慢??楌潡汮潤杳楣楨慵??????????と??????ㄠ?戬爠?卣畫?塩楧畨牴漠湓朠???由??椸氮椠???椠?奥慵湣祩慮湥??敩瑰?慰汥??㈠ちㄠと???汴潨湥楴湩杣?慬渠摳?敲硵灣牴敵獲獥椠潣湯?潭景??却偯?ち?杮敥湷攠?潬晡?獳椠灯畦渠捄畎汁愠?偩桮慤獩据潧氠潰獲潯浴慥?敮獳挮畓汣敩湥瑮慣???椲猴栰???匶栰攩氺氠?昷椵猹栭??洶洴甼湢潲氾潌杩祵?????????????????戬爠?周慵椠???????捧昬愠汥汴?卡???′?田愴渮朠??慬楥??敬瑡?愠汣???どの???卮瑤爠略捸瑰畲牥敳?晩畯湮挠瑯楦漠湴?慯渠慈汓祐猷?椠獧?潮晥?琠桩敮?桴敨慥琠?獲桡潷据欬?晍慡捣瑲潯牢?扡楣湨摩椭湵杭?灲牯潳瑥敮楢湥?牧敩癩攮慃汥獬?愠?灴牲潥瑳敳椠渦?捃潨浡灰潥獲敯摮?獳漬氠改氨礳?漺映″愱″栭椳朲栳氼祢?挾潍湡獴敲牡癮敧摡?慖測搠?摯祩湡愠浇椬挠?捯潮楡汶敥摮?捵潲楡氠?琬爠楥浴攠牡楬種愠琲椰漰渰?搠潃浥慬楬湵??呲栠敡??漠畢物湯愭汣?潥晭??楡潬氠潲来楳捰慯汮??桳攠浴楯猠瑥牮祶??????????????????扥牲?呭楥獮獴楡??????爭敤獵?????楴瑲捥桳敳氠??????吠牵慲捣票?啮??????????側牥潳琮攠楃湥?獬礠湓瑴桲敥獳楳猠?楨湡?獥慲氭楯癮慥牳礬?朵氨愲温携猠?漱昳??爲漰猼潢灲栾楍汩慮?洠敊汩慡湮潨杵慡猬琠敘物??牊敵汮愬琠楌潩湵?瑂潯?挠桥牴漠?浬漮猠漲洰攰?瀮甠晃晬獯???潧甬爠湳慥汱?潥普??漠污敮捡畬汹慳物??楯潦氠潈杓祐?‰???????????????扴牳?噯慦礠獨獥楡整爠?????敳??畮攠物桴楳攠牭?????慸扰楲敥湳??????敩瑮?慍汥?????????氠潡湭楢湬杹?慥湰摨?慬湡愮氠祊獯?楲獮?潬映?慦?呆物楳捨桥楲湹攠汓汣慩?扥牮楣瑥潳瘠楯?朠敃湨敩?敡渠挨潩摮椠湃杨?慮?捳祥琩漬瀠氱愶猨洵椩挺?栶攳愵琭?猴核漼换歲 ̄灍牯潲瑩敭楯湴?漠晒??金?欱?愹??倠慒牥慧獵楬瑡潴汩潯杮礠??ㄠ??????????扨牯?噫愠穴?偡楮牳散獲?偰??卯敮楡硬愠獲?倭???慮牳扥漺猠慣????㈠ぴち????煥畴慷捥略汮琠畡爠敦?灭潩瑬敹渠瑯楦愠汨?潡晴?瑳桨敯?捫漠浦浡潣湴?潲捳琬漠灭畯猭??佣捵瑬潡灲甠獣?癡異汥杲慯牮楥獳??畡癮楤攠牮?????????慥?牵敬癡楴敯睲???煇略慮捥畳氠琦甠牄敥????????????㈱有ㄨ?名㈩??戳爷?圸愭渳朷????? ̄?慥穬敨浡業??猠晒愠牂樮愠渱椹?倲???攠湲穥敧牵?卡???べ?????畲汥瑡業瀠汰敲?獭瑯牴敥獲猠?慬湥慭?汮祴猠楩獮?晴潨牥?楄獲潯汳慯瑰楨潩湬?漠晈??爠漷猰漠灨桥楡汴愭?汨潯湣杫攠癧楥瑮祥?朠敃湥敬獬??倳爰漨挲攩攺搠椵渱朷猭‵漲昸?瑢桲放?乡慭瑹楡漠湔愠汎??挬愠摓敵浲祯?潩晡?华挬椠敓湵捲敯獬?潡映?琮栠攲‰唰渶椮琠攱搵?卄瑥慯瑸敹獳?潥晲??浡敬物?椠捭慯???ぬ???????????つ???????扣物?坡慲湵杭?奨略湡扴椠慳潨??填甠??楯湴来扩潮??卵桮散湴杩??椮愠湂硩楯??敨瑥?慩汣??㈠ちの????楯数汨摹?慩湣摡?氀愀戀漀爀?愀琀漀爀礀?椀渀瘀攀猀琀椀最愀琀椀漀渀猀?漀昀?琀栀攀?琀栀攀爀洀愀氀?椀渀昀氀甀攀渀挀攀?漀渀?琀椀猀猀甀攀?猀瀀攀挀椀昀椀挀??猀瀀? ?氀攀瘀攀氀猀?椀渀?挀漀洀洀漀渀?挀愀爀瀀???礀瀀爀椀渀甀猀?挀愀爀瀀椀漀????漀洀瀀愀爀愀琀椀瘀攀??椀漀挀栀攀洀椀猀琀爀礀?愀渀搀?倀栀礀猀椀漀氀漀最礀?倀愀爀琀?????漀氀攀挀甀氀愀爀????渀琀攀最爀愀琀椀瘀攀?倀栀礀猀椀漀氀漀最礀??????????????????戀爀?堀甀?匀栀椀栀甀愀椀???愀?娀栀椀洀椀渀最???椀愀?堀椀愀漀瀀椀渀最???  ????椀漀氀漀最椀挀愀氀?挀栀愀爀愀挀琀攀爀椀猀琀?椀挀猀?愀渀搀?攀洀戀爀礀漀渀椀挀?搀攀瘀攀氀漀瀀洀攀渀琀?漀昀?伀挀琀漀瀀甀猀?瘀甀氀最愀爀椀猀?甀渀搀攀爀?愀爀琀椀?娀栀愀渀最??甀椀礀漀渀最???椀?夀甀挀栀愀渀最???椀渀??甀渀琀愀渀最??攀琀?愀氀???  ????氀漀渀椀渀最?愀渀搀?昀椀挀椀愀氀?昀愀爀洀椀渀最?挀漀渀搀椀琀椀漀渀??匀漀甀琀栀??栀椀渀愀??椀猀栀攀爀椀攀猀?匀挀椀攀渀挀攀??椀渀?愀渀愀氀礀猀椀猀?漀昀?爀愀琀?栀攀愀琀?猀栀漀挀欀?昀愀挀琀漀爀?戀椀渀搀椀渀最?瀀爀漀琀攀椀渀???挀?一????栀椀渀攀猀攀????????????????攀爀攀搀椀琀愀猀??椀渀??栀椀渀攀猀攀??????????????????戀爀?夀愀渀最??椀栀漀渀最???甀愀渀最??愀椀??圀愀渀最??椀渀樀甀渀??? ? ???渀琀椀漀砀椀搀愀渀琀?爀攀猀瀀漀渀猀攀猀?娀栀愀渀最?堀椀愀渀最???愀漀?夀漀渀最???甀愀渀最?娀椀砀椀愀??攀琀?愀氀??? ????吀爀愀渀猀挀爀椀瀀琀漀洀攀?愀渀愀?漀昀?挀椀琀爀甀猀?爀攀搀?洀椀琀攀??倀愀渀漀渀礀挀栀甀猀?挀椀琀爀椀???挀?爀攀最漀爀????挀愀爀椀??吀攀琀爀愀?氀礀猀椀猀?漀昀?琀栀攀?伀挀琀漀瀀甀猀?瘀甀氀最愀爀椀猀?挀攀渀琀爀愀氀?渀攀爀瘀漀甀猀?猀礀猀琀攀洀??倀?漀匀?伀渀攀??渀礀挀栀椀搀愀攀???攀砀瀀漀猀攀搀?琀漀?琀栀攀爀洀愀氀?猀琀爀攀猀猀???漀甀爀渀愀氀?漀昀??渀猀攀挀琀???????攀? ?? ?倀栀礀猀椀漀氀漀最礀????????????????????
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