Three-dimensional constrained gravity inversion of Moho depth and crustal structural characteristics at Mozambique continental margin

Shihao Yang Zhaocai Wu Yinxia Fang Mingju Xu Jialing Zhang Fanlin Yang

Shihao Yang, Zhaocai Wu, Yinxia Fang, Mingju Xu, Jialing Zhang, Fanlin Yang. Three-dimensional constrained gravity inversion of Moho depth and crustal structural characteristics at Mozambique continental margin[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(2): 120-129. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2220-8
Citation: Shihao Yang, Zhaocai Wu, Yinxia Fang, Mingju Xu, Jialing Zhang, Fanlin Yang. Three-dimensional constrained gravity inversion of Moho depth and crustal structural characteristics at Mozambique continental margin[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(2): 120-129. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2220-8

doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2220-8

Three-dimensional constrained gravity inversion of Moho depth and crustal structural characteristics at Mozambique continental margin

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. 42076078; China–Mozambique Joint Cruise under contract No. GASI-01-DLJHJ-CM.
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  • Figure  1.  Depiction of the topography and main geological structures of the study area, the white circle refers to the OBS station in the area (a); Free-air gravity anomalies in the study area, the dotted lines are magnetic anomaly strips (b); Sedimentary thickness in the study area (c). SB: Somalia Basin; DFZ: Davie Fracture Zone; MozC: Mozambique Channel; BH: Beira High; NNV: northern Natal Valley; MFZ: Mozambique Fracture Zone; nMozR: north Mozambique Ridge; sMozR: south Mozambique Ridge; MB: Mozambique Basin; MadR: Madagascar Range; AG: Ariel Graben; MCP: Mozambique Coastal Plain.

    Figure  2.  Flowchart of inversion (FAA: free-air anomaly; BGA: Bouguer gravity anomaly).

    Figure  3.  Gravity effect of the sedimentary layer (a); Bouguer gravity anomaly after correction of sedimentary layer (b).

    Figure  4.  Comparison of Moho depth gravity inversion results and deep seismic data interpretation results Measuring line MZ07 (a) Measuring line 20070201 (b). The positions of the measuring lines are shown in Fig. 1.

    Figure  5.  Moho depth in the study area (a); crustal thickness in the study area (b). SB: Somalia Basin; DFZ: Davie Fracture Zone; MozC: Mozambique Channel; BH: Beira High; NNV: northern Natal Valley; MFZ: Mozambique Fracture Zone; nMozR: north Mozambique Ridge; sMozR: south Mozambique Ridge; MB: Mozambique Basin; MadR: Madagascar Range; AG: Ariel Graben; MCP: Mozambique Coastal Plain.

    Figure  6.  COB distribution in Mozambique continental margin. a. North region; b. south region. The bottom map is crustal thickness. MozC: Mozambique Channel; BH: Beira High; nMozR: north Mozambique Ridge; sMozR: south Mozambique Ridge; AG: Ariel Graben; MCP: Mozambique Coastal Plain.

    Figure  7.  Crustal thickness map of the Mozambique Channel. The brown translucent area is part of the continental crust. MozC: Mozambique Channel; MB: Mozambique Basin.

    Figure  8.  Geological interpretation of profile AWI-20140010. The free-air gravity anomaly (a). The magnetic anomaly along the profile are shown (b). Geological interpretation of the profile (c) (Mueller et al., 2016).

    Figure  9.  P-wave velocity models of profile MZ1 (km/s) (Moulin et al., 2020).

    Table  1.   OBS constraint points for inversion.

    Name of measuring
    Number of the used
    constraint points
    AWI-2014010025Vormann et al. (2020)
    AWI-2014005025Vormann et al. (2020)
    AWI-2014015020Vormann and Jokat (2021)
    AWI-2014013020Vormann and Jokat (2021)
    2007020127Leinweber et al. (2013)
    2007020211Leinweber et al. (2013)
    AWI-2014001037Mueller et al. (2016)
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