Strip segmentation of oceanic internal waves in SAR images based on TransUNet

Kaituo Qi Hongsheng Zhang Jiaojiao Lu Yinggang Zheng Zhouhao Zhang

Kaituo Qi, Hongsheng Zhang, Jiaojiao Lu, Yinggang Zheng, Zhouhao Zhang. Strip segmentation of oceanic internal waves in SAR images based on TransUNet[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(10): 67-74. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2206-6
Citation: Kaituo Qi, Hongsheng Zhang, Jiaojiao Lu, Yinggang Zheng, Zhouhao Zhang. Strip segmentation of oceanic internal waves in SAR images based on TransUNet[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(10): 67-74. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2206-6

doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2206-6

Strip segmentation of oceanic internal waves in SAR images based on TransUNet

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. 51679132; the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality under contract Nos. 21ZR1427000 and 17040501600.
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  • Figure  1.  Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data area information.

    Figure  2.  Oceanic internal wave from synthetic aperture radar image of ERS-2 satellite.

    Figure  3.  Steps for collecting the ocean internal wave synthetic aperture radar data sets.

    Figure  4.  TransUNet framework structure, Transformer structure (a) and Cross-network structure (b). The parameters in the bracket are image size, image size and dimension, respectively. MSA: multihead self-attention; MLP: multi-layer perceptron; Conv: convolution kernel; ReLU: activation function.

    Figure  5.  The effect of Transformer layer on loss rate.

    Figure  6.  The effect of multi-layer perceptron (MLP) channel on loss rate.

    Figure  7.  Test set segmentation results of different multi-layer perceptron (MLP) channels. a is the original image; MLP channels are 128 (b), 256 (c), 512 (d), 768 (e), and 1024 (f).

    Figure  8.  The effect of Dropout on loss rate.

    Figure  9.  Model performance analysis of the original TransUNet (a) and the optimized TransUNet (b). DSC: dice similarity coefficient.

    Figure  10.  Qualitative comparison of different approaches by visualization. The original image (a), different approaches by original TransUNet (b), optimized TransUNet (c) and U-Net (d).

    Figure  11.  Results of the entire synthetic aperture radar image segmentation (resolution size is 4903 × 5151).

    Figure  12.  Small-scale synthetic aperture radar image segmentation results (a), resolution sizes are 334 × 305 (b) and 282 × 348 (c). d is the segmentation result of b, e is the segmentation result of c.

    Figure  13.  Results of the entire synthetic aperture radar image segmentation.

    Table  1.   The effects of Transformer layer and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) channel on dice similarity coefficient accuracy (%)

    Transformer layer
    1 2 4 8 12
    MLP channel 128 84.13 84.18 82.35 82.64 75.22
    MLP channel 256 84.15 83.75 83.49 82.50 72.92
    MLP channel 512 83.73 84.57 84.19 82.61 73.73
    MLP channel 768 84.09 83.95 80.37 82.49 77.2
    MLP channel 1024 84.00 84.89 80.54 82.66 76.6
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    Table  2.   Model training performance at different rates

    Rate Training loss Test loss
    6:2:2 0.1797 0.3191
    7:1.5:1.5 0.1902 0.2806
    8:1:1 0.1575 0.2039
    9:0.5:0.5 0.1564 0.2585
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-01-15
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