Formation and distribution of coal measure source rocks in the Eocene Pinghu Formation in the Pinghu Slope of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin

Yongcai Yang Xiaojun Xie Youchuan Li Gang Guo Xiaoying Xi Wenjing Ding

Yongcai Yang, Xiaojun Xie, Youchuan Li, Gang Guo, Xiaoying Xi, Wenjing Ding. Formation and distribution of coal measure source rocks in the Eocene Pinghu Formation in the Pinghu Slope of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(3): 254-269. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2176-8
Citation: Yongcai Yang, Xiaojun Xie, Youchuan Li, Gang Guo, Xiaoying Xi, Wenjing Ding. Formation and distribution of coal measure source rocks in the Eocene Pinghu Formation in the Pinghu Slope of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(3): 254-269. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2176-8

doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2176-8

Formation and distribution of coal measure source rocks in the Eocene Pinghu Formation in the Pinghu Slope of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin

Funds: The National Science and Technology Major Project under contract No. 2016ZX05024-002; the Exploration Project of China National Offshore Oil Corporation under contract Nos 2018OT-KT-SC-9 and 2019KT-SC-10.
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  • Figure  1.  Structural outline of the Xihu Depression in the East China Sea Shelf Basin (Yu, 2020; Zhu et al., 2019). The whole wells are excessively dense and only key wells are shown.

    Figure  2.  Generalized stratigraphic column for the Xihu Depression showing the Tertiary petroleum system (Zhu et al., 2012).

    Figure  3.  Coal seam cores in the Pinghu Formation. a. Well A31; b. Well A13; c. Well A32.

    Figure  4.  Mass chromatogram (m/z 85) showing the alkanes and isoprenoids (pristane, phytane) in the saturated hydrocarbon frantions of the source rock and the crude oils in the Xihu Depression. a. The crude oil in the Pinghu Formation sandstone reservoir in Well A5; b. the crude oil in the Pinghu Formation sandstone reservoir in Well A25; c. the coal of the Pinghu Formation in Well A32. Pr: pristane; Ph: phytane.

    Figure  5.  Mass chromatogram (m/z 191) showing terpanes in the saturated hydrocarbons derived from the source rocks and crude oil in the Xihu Depression. a. Coal sample from the Pinghu Formation in Well A4; b. crude oil sample from the sandstone reservoir of the Pinghu Formation in Well A6.

    Figure  6.  Mass chromatogram (m/z 123) showing tetracyclic diterpanes (norpimarane, isopimarane, phyllocladane) in saturated hydrocarbons isolated from the source rocks and crude oil in the Xihu Depression. a. Crude oil sample isolated from the sandstone reservoir in the Pinghu Formation of Well A5; b. crude oil sample isolated from the sand reservoir in the Pinghu Formation of Well A25; c. coal from the Pinghu Formation in Well A32. nPM: norpimarane; iPM: isopimarane; PC: phyllocladane.

    Figure  7.  Stable-carbon isotope analysis of the methane produced from the gold-tube pyrolysis experiments, showing the relationship between δ13C1 (PDB, the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard) and easy Ro value (%).

    Figure  8.  Cross plot of δ13C1 versus C1/(C2+C3) ratio for the gaseous hydrocarbons generated by the source rocks in the Pinghu Formation, based on the results of gold-tube pyrolysis experiments.

    Figure  9.  Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18 cross plot of liquid hydrocarbons generated by the source rocks in the Pinghu Formation.

    Figure  10.  The relationship between the sedimentary facies and the geochemical characteristics the source rocks in the Pinghu Formation in Well 25. Stra.: stratum; Mem.: member; AC: acoustic curve; GR: gamma ray; Lith.: lithology; TOC: total organic carbon, %; HI: hydrogen index, mg/g.

    Figure  11.  The relationship between the sedimentary facies and the geochemical characteristics the source rocks in the Pinghu Formation in Well A13. Stra.: stratum; Mem.: member; AC: acoustic curve; GR: gamma ray; Lith.: lithology; TOC: total organic carbon, %; HI: hydrogen index, mg/g.

    Figure  12.  The relationship between the sedimentary facies and the geochemical characteristics the source rocks in the Pinghu Formation in Well A40. Mem.: member; GR: gamma ray; Lith.: lithology; TOC: total organic carbon, %; HI: hydrogen index, mg/g.

    Figure  13.  Microscopical photos of palynological analysis of coal measure source rocks in the Pinghu Formation. a. 3721 m, Well A23; b. 3470 m, Well A29. W: woody, C: coaly.

    Figure  14.  Comparison of the content of the woody and coaly organic matter between different sedimentary subfacies in the Pinghu Formation.

    Figure  15.  Back-scattered electron microscopic images of coal measure source rocks in the Pinghu Formation. a. Light color layer (poor carbon mudstone) of massive mudstone of the top of 4th member of Pinghu Formation (3 709 m) in Well A13; b. dark layer (micro coal seam) of continuous carbonaceous mudstone of the 4th member of Pinghu Formation (3 896 m) in Well A13. C: carbon; Si: silicon; Al: aluminum; S: sulfur; O: oxygen.

    Figure  16.  Cross-plot of Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18 ratio showing the origin of the oil in the Xihu Depression.

    Figure  17.  Cross-plot of δ13C1 and C1/(C2+C3) ratio showing the origin of the natural gas in the Xihu Depression.

    Figure  18.  Cross-plots of the sulfur-silicon and silicon-carbon ratio (a) and the silicon-carbon and aluminum-carbon atomic ratio (b) of coal measure source rocks in the Pinghu Formation.

    Figure  19.  Cross plot of sulfur content and TOC in coal measure source rocks derived from different sedimentary subfacies in the Xihu Depression.

    Figure  20.  The colloid chemistry-based metallogenic depositional model on the formation of coal measure source rocks of Pinghu Formation in the Pinghu Slope.

    Figure  21.  Statistical comparison of pollen content between different sedimentary subfacies in the Pinghu Formation.

    Figure  22.  Statistical comparison ratio of the coal/formation thickness (a) and coal seam thickness (b) between the source rocks from different sedimentary subfacies in the Pinghu Formation.

    Figure  23.  TOCs (a) and hydrogen indices (b) of the source rocks collected from different sedimentary subfacies in the Pinghu Formation.

    Figure  24.  Distribution of source rocks across different organic facies in the Pinghu Formation in the Xihu Depression. a. The 5th, b. 4th, c. 3rd and d. 1st/2nd member of the Pinghu Formaiton.

    Table  1.   Geochemical informations of the source rock samples from the Pinghu Formation used for gold-tube pyrolysis

    No.WellDepth/mSample typeLithologyTOC/%Ro/%
    1A13678−3681cuttingcoal measure mudstone 0.680.73
    3A363008cuttingcoal measure mudstone 0.480.76
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    Table  2.   Geochemical parameters of isoprenoids in the liquid hydrocarbons generated by the source rocks in the Pinghu Formation in Well A35

    Heating rate/
    Note: Sample informations are showed in Table 1.
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