Study on strength properties and soil behaviour type classification of Huanghe River Delta silts based on variable rate piezocone penetration test

Yunuo Liu Guoqing Lin Yan Zhang Shenggui Deng Lei Guo Tao Liu

Yunuo Liu, Guoqing Lin, Yan Zhang, Shenggui Deng, Lei Guo, Tao Liu. Study on strength properties and soil behaviour type classification of Huanghe River Delta silts based on variable rate piezocone penetration test[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(11): 146-158. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2113-2
Citation: Yunuo Liu, Guoqing Lin, Yan Zhang, Shenggui Deng, Lei Guo, Tao Liu. Study on strength properties and soil behaviour type classification of Huanghe River Delta silts based on variable rate piezocone penetration test[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(11): 146-158. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2113-2

doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2113-2

Study on strength properties and soil behaviour type classification of Huanghe River Delta silts based on variable rate piezocone penetration test

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. U2006213.
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  • Figure  1.  Grain distribution curves of Huanghe River Delta (HRD) silts.

    Figure  2.  One-dimensional compression test results.

    Figure  3.  The ShearTrac-II System.

    Figure  4.  Monotonic shearing test results: the effective stress path (a), stress-strain relationship (b), equivalent excess pore pressure-strain relationship (c).

    Figure  5.  The laboratory penetration test system.

    Figure  6.  Micro-CPTu.

    Figure  7.  Comparisons of penetration test results in Malaysian kaolin.

    Figure  8.  Grain distribution curves of Huanghe River Delta (HRD) silts with different clay content.

    Figure  9.  One-dimensional compression test results of Huanghe River Delta (HRD) silts with different clay content.

    Figure  10.  Test results $ {q}_{t} $ vs. $ h $: remolded Huanghe River Delta silts (a); 20% C mixture (b); 30% C mixture (c).

    Figure  11.  Influence of CPTu penetration rate on friction angle.

    Figure  12.  Test results under different penetration rates in Huanghe River Delta (HRD) silts with different clay content: remolded HRD silts (a); 20% C (clay) mixture (b); 30% C (clay) mixture (c).

    Figure  13.  Clay contents effect curves of silt and clay mixtures with different penetration rate: ${Q}_{{{t}}}$ vs. clay content (a); $ {B}_{q} $ vs. clay content (b).

    Figure  14.  Test results for Huanghe River Delta (HRD) silts with different clay contents: ${q}_{{{t}}}$ vs. $ h $ (a); ${{{f}}}_{\rm s}$ vs. $ h $ (b).

    Figure  15.  Results of penetration experiment: depth distribution of friction ratio (a) ; depth distribution of $ {B}_{q}\left(\mathrm{b}\right) $.

    Figure  16.  Result of soil behaviour type classification using the Robertson 1986 chart.

    Figure  17.  Result of soil behaviour type classification using: the Robertson 1990 chart (a) and the Robertson 2010 chart (b).

    Figure  18.  Soil behaviour type classification for test points based on $ {I}_{c\left(JD\right)} $.

    Figure  19.  Soil behaviour type classification for test points based on $ {I}_{c\left(RW\right)} $.

    Figure  20.  Soil behaviour type classification for test points based on ${I}_{{\rm{SBT}}}$.

    Figure  21.  Result of soil behaviour type classification using the Eslami classification chart.

    Figure  22.  Result of soil behaviour type classification using the Brouwer classification chart.

    Table  1.   Soil properties of Huanghe River Delta silts

    Soil typeSpecific gravityWater content/%emaxemin$ {\rho }' $/(g·cm−3)Liquid limit/%Plastic limit/%Plasticity index Ip/%
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    Table  2.   Consolidation coefficient (Cv) of Huanghe River Delta silts

    Vertical stress30 kPa50 kPa100 kPa150 kPa
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    Table  3.   Friction angle obtained from monotonic shear test

    ${\sigma }'_{ { {\rm{v} } }_{0} }$/kPa${\varphi }{ {'} }$/(°)M
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  4.   Friction angle (${\varphi '} $) derived from cone penetration test

    Penetration rate20 mm/s10 mm/s1 mm/s0.2 mm/s
    ${\varphi '}$ (Mayne)34.3432.4328.4127.65
    ${\varphi '}$ (Kulhawy)31.6930.297 927.5427.05
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    Table  5.   Fiction angle corresponding to surface sediment types in the Huanghe River Delta

    Soil types${\varphi }' $/(°)Data source
    Normally consolidated
    silty soil


    Meng et al., 2008; Liu, 2014;
    Lu and Li, 2003; Liu et al., 2006;
    Chang, 2009; Cheng, 2007;
    Liu et al., 2009; Wang et al., (2014
    Sandy silt32.5–38.3Chang, 2009; Jia et al., 2011
    Silty sand38.0–42.6
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  6.   Soil behaviour type classification

    RegionSoil typeRegionSoil type
    1sensitive fine-grained soil7silty sand-sandy silt
    2organic soil8sand-silty sand
    4silty clay-clay10gravel sand-sand
    5clayey silt-silty clay11very stiff fine-grained soil*
    6sandy silt-clayey silt12sand-clayey sand*
    Note: * refers to overconsolidated soil or cemented soil.
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    Table  7.   Soil behaviour type classification

    RegionSoil typeRegionSoil type
    sensitive fine-grained
    sand-silty san
    2organic soil, peats7gravelly sand-sand
    clay-silty clay
    very stiff sand-clayey
    4clayey silt-silty clay9very stiff, fine grained*
    5silty sand-sandy silt
    Note: * refers to overconsolidated soil or cemented soil.
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