Volume 41 Issue 3
Mar.  2022
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Article Contents
Kui Zhang, Ping Geng, Jiajun Li, Youwei Xu, Muhsan Ali Kalhoro, Mingshuai Sun, Dengfu Shi, Zuozhi Chen. Influences of fisheries management measures on biological characteristics of threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus) in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(3): 24-33. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1925-9
Citation: Kui Zhang, Ping Geng, Jiajun Li, Youwei Xu, Muhsan Ali Kalhoro, Mingshuai Sun, Dengfu Shi, Zuozhi Chen. Influences of fisheries management measures on biological characteristics of threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus) in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(3): 24-33. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1925-9

Influences of fisheries management measures on biological characteristics of threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus) in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea

doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1925-9
Funds:  The National Key R&D Program of China under contract No. 2018YFD0900906; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. 31602157; the Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory under contract No. GML2019ZD0605; the Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund under contract Nos 2020TD05 and 2021SD01.
More Information
  • Corresponding author: E-mail: chenzuozhi@scsfri.ac.cn
  • Received Date: 2021-04-26
  • Accepted Date: 2021-05-12
  • Available Online: 2021-11-10
  • Publish Date: 2022-03-01
  • Long-term variations in population structure, growth, mortality, length at median sexual maturity, and exploitation rate of threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus) are reported based on bottom trawl survey data collected during 1960–2012 in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Laboratory-based analyses were conducted on 16791 individuals collected quarterly in eight different sampling years. Average body length, estimated asymptotic length, and percentage of large individuals have decreased significantly with the growth of marine catch and fishing power, indicating individual miniaturization of this fish species. Estimated exploitation rates indicate that the N. virgatus stock in the Beibu Gulf was moderately exploited in 1960 and 1962 and overexploited after 1992. This stock was taking a good turn in status in 2012, with the lowest exploitation rate since 1992 and ceased downward trend in length indexes. These results suggest that management measures to reduce fishing pressure may have a positive influence on the biological characteristics of this commercial fish species. Biological characteristics of most commercial fish species have phenotypic plasticity and might change over years in response to fisheries management. Therefore, attentions should be paid on variations in fish biological characteristics, when evaluating the effectiveness of current measures to control the total catch for all fisheries.
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