Volume 39 Issue 3
Apr.  2020
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Article Contents
Xueyan Zhang, Haijin Dai, Jun Zhao, Heqing Yin. Sensitivity study of the wave-driven current in an Arctic frazil-pancake ice zone[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2020, 39(3): 123-129. doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1560-x
Citation: Xueyan Zhang, Haijin Dai, Jun Zhao, Heqing Yin. Sensitivity study of the wave-driven current in an Arctic frazil-pancake ice zone[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2020, 39(3): 123-129. doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1560-x

Sensitivity study of the wave-driven current in an Arctic frazil-pancake ice zone

doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1560-x
Funds:  The National University of Defense Technology under contract No. ZK18-03-29.
More Information
  • Corresponding author: E-mail: hj_dai@nudt.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 2019-05-20
  • Accepted Date: 2019-06-25
  • Available Online: 2020-04-21
  • Publish Date: 2020-03-25
  • A coupled ocean-ice-wave model is used to study ice-edge jet and eddy genesis during surface gravity wave dissipation in a frazil-pancake ice zone. With observational data from the Beaufort Sea, possible wave dissipation processes are evaluated using sensitivity experiments. As wave energy dissipated, energy was transferred into ice floe through radiation stress. Later, energy was in turn transferred into current through ocean-ice interfacial stress. Since most of the wave energy is dissipated at the ice edge, ice-edge jets, which contained strong horizontal shear, appeared both in the ice zone and the ocean. Meanwhile, the wave propagation direction determines the velocity partition in the along-ice-edge and cross-ice-edge directions, which in turn determines the strength of the along-ice-edge jet and cross-ice-edge velocity. The momentum applied in the along-ice-edge (cross-ice-edge) direction increased (decreased) with larger incident angle, which is favorable condition for producing stronger mesoscale eddies, vice versa. The dissipation rate increases (decreases) with larger (smaller) wavenumber, which enhances (reduces) the jet strength and the strength of the mesoscale eddy. The strong along-ice-edge jet may extend to a deep layer (> 200 m). If the water depth is too shallow (e.g., 80 m), the jet may be largely dampened by bottom drag, and no visible mesoscale eddies are found. The results suggest that the bathymetry and incident wavenumber (magnitude and propagation direction) are important for wave-driven current and mesoscale eddy genesis.
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