Li Zou, Aimin Wang, Zhen Wang, Yuguo Pei, Xiaolong Liu. Experimental study of freak waves due to three-dimensional island terrain in random wave[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2019, 38(6): 92-99. doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1390-x
Citation: Li Zou, Aimin Wang, Zhen Wang, Yuguo Pei, Xiaolong Liu. Experimental study of freak waves due to three-dimensional island terrain in random wave[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2019, 38(6): 92-99. doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1390-x

Experimental study of freak waves due to three-dimensional island terrain in random wave

doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1390-x
Funds:  The Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology under contract No. QNLM20160RP0402; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 51522902 and 51579040; the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under contract No. DUT17ZD233; the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China under contract No. [2016]22.
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  • Corresponding author: Email:
  • Received Date: 2018-02-04
  • Accepted Date: 2018-03-26
  • Publish Date: 2019-06-01
  • An experimental study is carried out for waves passing an isolated reef terrain in a wave tank. A three-dimensional model of a representative and isolated reef terrain in the West Pacific is built. Random wave trains with various periods and wave heights are generated by a wave maker using the improved JONSWAP spectrum. It is observed that there are different kinds of generation processes and waveforms of freak waves. The freak wave factor ${H_{\rm{m}}}/{H_{\rm{s}}}$ (where ${H_{\rm{m}}}$ is the maximum wave height of wave series, and ${H_{\rm{s}}}$ is significant wave height) is analyzed in detail, in terms of the skewness, kurtosis and water depth, as well as the relationship between freak wave height ${H_{{\rm{fr}}}}$ and skewness. The freak wave factor ${H_{\rm{m}}}/{H_{\rm{s}}}$ is found to be in positive correlation with the kurtosis, while larger ${H_{{\rm{fr}}}}$ tends to be related with bigger skewness. The rapid variation of water depth, such as slope and seamount, contributes to the occurrence probability of freak waves.
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