Xia Peng, Meng Xianwei, Li Zhen, Zhi Pengyao, Zhao Mengwei, Wang Enkang. Late Holocene mangrove development and response to sea level change in the northwestern South China Sea[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2019, 38(11): 111-120. doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1359-9
Citation: Xia Peng, Meng Xianwei, Li Zhen, Zhi Pengyao, Zhao Mengwei, Wang Enkang. Late Holocene mangrove development and response to sea level change in the northwestern South China Sea[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2019, 38(11): 111-120. doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1359-9

Late Holocene mangrove development and response to sea level change in the northwestern South China Sea

doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1359-9
  • Received Date: 2018-05-03
  • Mangroves, widely distributed along the coasts of tropical China, are influenced by Asia monsoon, relative sea level change and enhanced human activity. To predict the impacts of future climate change on mangrove ecosystems, it can be understood by reconstructing past mangrove dynamics using proxies preserved in coastal sediments. In this study, we quantitatively partitioned buried organic matter (OM) sources, collected from a vulnerable mangrove swamp in the Qinzhou Bay of northwestern South China Sea, using a ternary end-member mixing model of δ13C and C:N values. Mangrove-derived OM (MOM) contribution was used as a tracer for mangrove development since 2.34 cal ka BP. This information, together with paleoclimate records (i.e., speleothem δ18O values, sea level change, grain size parameters) and human activity, was used to divide mangrove development into three stages during the late Holocene: relative flourish (2.34–1.13 cal ka BP), relative degradation (1.13–0.15 cal ka BP) and further degradation (0.15–0 cal ka BP). Before 1.13 cal ka BP, mangroves flourished with a high MOM contribution ((88.9±10.6)%), corresponding to stable and high sea level under a warm and humid climate. After 1.13 cal ka BP, rapid fall in relative sea level coupled with the strengthening of the Asian winter monsoon, resulted in mangrove degradation and MOM reduction ((62.4±18.9)%). Compared with air temperature and precipitation, the relative sea level fall was the main controlling factor in mangrove development before entering the Anthropocene (the time of the Industrial Revolution). After ~150 cal a BP, reclamation of mangrove swamps to shrimp ponds is the main factor causing mangrove degradation and MOM reduction.
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