MA Qian, ZHUANG Zhimeng, FENG Wenrong, LIU Shufang, TANG Qisheng. Evaluation of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR analysis of gene expression during early development processes of the tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2015, 34(10): 90-97. doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0725-5
Citation: MA Qian, ZHUANG Zhimeng, FENG Wenrong, LIU Shufang, TANG Qisheng. Evaluation of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR analysis of gene expression during early development processes of the tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2015, 34(10): 90-97. doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0725-5

Evaluation of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR analysis of gene expression during early development processes of the tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis)

doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0725-5
  • Received Date: 2014-07-23
  • Rev Recd Date: 2014-08-29
  • Differential expression of genes is crucial to growth and development of fish. To select the appropriate genes for gene normalization during Cynoglossus semilaevis early developmental process, eight candidate reference genes (ACTB, B2M, EF1A, GADPH, RPL7, TUBA, UBCE and 18S) were tested for their adequacy by using quantitative real-time PCR. The results showed that the expression of all the examined genes exhibited tissue dependent variations in the mature C. semilaevis. EF1A was listed as the most stable reference among the 14 tissues by RefFinder. Furthermore, the recommended comprehensive ranking of the stability determined by RefFinder showed that 18S was the most stable gene during the early developmental stages (from oosphere to 90 days old) in this study. However, when divided the Ct value data of the above mentioned early developmental stages into two separate periods (embryo and post-hatching periods), TUBA and 18S represented the most stable references of these two developmental periods, respectively. Consequently, the reference gene should be carefully and accurately chosen even for studies of the same species at various developmental processes. The relevant data may help in selecting appropriate reference genes for mRNA expression analysis, and is of great value in the studies of fish growth and development.
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    Liu映敘牵敥湺瑨楯慵氬氠祚?牵敡杮畧氠慚瑨敩摭?瑮慧爬朠敍瑡?杁敡湪敵獮?愠湥摴?獡慬洮瀠氲攰‰椵渮琠敒来牰楲瑯祤???敩獶瑥?敢敩灯敬牯??砠捡敮汤?扢慲獥敥摤?瑮潧漠汴?畣獨楮湯杬?灧慹椠牯?眠楃獹敮?捧潬牯牳敳汵慳琠楳潥湭獩???楶潩瑳攮挠桍湡潲氠??敳瑨琠????????‵????????扢牲?前慡搠潑湩楡??㈠???????呦桡畮汧欬攠?卨???慧挠歚慨祩??????敥瑴?慡汬??有??????畯楬摥散汵楬湡敲?瑣潬?牮攭晩敮牧攬渠捥數?杲敥湳敳?獯敮氠敡据瑡楬潹湳?晳漠牯?焠畩慮湳瑵楬瑩慮琭楬癩敫?爠敧慲汯?瑴楨洠敦?偣?副???椠漨捉桇敆洭??椠潧灥桮?删敡獮??潉??????????????????扲牡?卩楯汮瘠敩牮?书???敬獥琠?卮???楡慬湥朠????敵瑥?慳汯??㈠〨ぃ???卧敬汯敳捳瑵楳漠湳?潭晩?桡潥當獩敳欩攮攠灃楯湭杰?杂敩湯散獨?晭漠牐?杹敳湩敯?攠硂瀠牂敩獯獣楨潥湭?獍瑯畬搠楂敩獯?椬渠?栶田洨愴温?爠攲琰椸挭甲氱漴挼祢瑲放獍?甠獑楩湡杮?爠敌慩汵?瑓楨浵敦?偮?刬???????漠汚??業潥汮???????????戰爱?匮洠慇汥汮???????畲牵摣漭捴歵???????楹汭潯摲数慨畩??漠畡牮杤攠潥楸獰??????敮琠?慮污???どび???匠瑴慨扥椠汧楲瑯祷?潨映?牯敲昭敭牯敮湥挠攨?杈攩渠敧獥?晥漠物?爠敦慥汭?瑬楥洠敡?偤?剭?慬湥愠汈祡獬敦猭?業湯?捴桨愠湴湯敮汧?捥愠瑳?晬楥猠栨???捯瑧慬汯畳牳畵獳?灳略湭捩瑬慡瑥當獩??琮椠獇獥畮敥猬?甴渹搳攨爱?瘺愠爹礲椭渱朰?瀼桢祲猾楍潣汃潵杲楬捥慹氠?挠潔測搠楃瑡楬潬湡獲???漠浖瀮??椰漰挸栮攠浃?偡桲祡獣楴潥汲????楩潯据栠敯浦??潯汵??楫潥汥????ㄠ?????㈠????づ??扡牦?即灨愺渠慭歡楬獥??????????偦牦潥扲汥敮浣獥?爠敡汮慤琠敥摦?瑥潣?瑳栠敯?椠湴瑩敳爭灳牵敥琠慴瑹楰潥測?潤晥?慥畬瑯潰牭慥摮楴潡?朠牳慴灡桧楥挠?摮慤琠慣?潥湭?杣敡湬攠?敲硥灡牴敭獥獮楴漮渠?畍獃椠湍杯?挠潂浩浯潬測?挹漨渱猩琺椠琱田琲椼癢敲 ̄瑍物慴湴獥捲爠楋瀬琠獋?慴獯?捬潡湳琠片漬氠獍??乯畵捬污敳椠捁??捥楴搠獡?刮攠猲?‰代?????????ど???????扡牮?呩慤渭条?剥漠湲来祦楥湲来???漠摧摥?????慯楲??慐湃楒攠汤??敩瑮?愠汯???でづ???噩慳氠楡摮慤琠楯潦渠?潭昭?穵敮扥爭慲晥楬獥桶???愠湴楩潳?牵敥牳椠潯??牅敵晲敯牰敥湡据攠?来敡湢敡獳?映漨牄?煣略慮湴瑲楡瑲慣瑨極癳攠?牡敢愭汲?瑸椩洮攠?副呭?倠?剩?湣潨牥浭愠汐楨穹慳瑩楯潬渠???捩瑯慣??業漠捍桯??楂潩灯桬?匠椱渵????????‰??????ひ?扏牬?呶桩敫氠汐椠湁?传??婥漠牋稠楋?圠???慤歡慬礠敁????攬琠?慴氠???????‵?漠畅獶敡歬敵敡灴楩湯杮?杯敦渠数獯?慥獮?楩湡?琠敲牥湦慥汲?獮瑣慥渠摧慥牮摥獳??畮猠敲?慡湬搭?汩業浥椠瑒獔?????楳潴瑵敤捩桥湳漠汯???????????????????扂牍?嘠慍湯摬攠獂潩浯灬攬氠收?????攲?值牢敲琾敏牬????倠慐琠瑁礬渠???′攴琸※慦汴???のつ㈠???捌捩略爠態琠敋?渠漲爰洰愸氮?楓穥慬瑥楣潴湩?潮映?牦攠慲汥?瑥楲浥敮?煥甠慧湥瑮楥瑳愠瑦楯癲攠?剒呔?偐?剒?摥慸瑡慭?扮祡?杩敯潮洠敯瑦爠楷捩?慤瘠?敯牰慵杬楡湴杩?潮晳?浯畦氠瑁楴灬污敮?楩湣琠散牯湤愠汇?捤潵湳琠牭潯汲?杵敡渮攠獂???敒湥潳洠敎??楥潳氬????????刷?卢??刦???????扲牧?圣漲渲朹※??????攬搠牎慥湲潬????????????剥敬愠汓?琠椲洰攱‰倮?剅?晡潬牵?浴剩乯??煯畦愠湰瑯楴瑥慮瑴楩潡湬???楦漭瑥敲捥桮湣楥焠畧敥獮???????????????扥爠?婔栭慐湃杒?婳桴慵潤扩楥湳???甠??楬慡湮祴楩湣朠???どぢ????效癩数汰潯灧浬敯湳瑳?慳渠摈?癰慰汯楧摬慯瑳楳潵湳?潌昮?攻渠摤潵杲敩湮潧甠獤?牶敥晬敯牰敭湥据整?朠敩湮攠獴?晳潳牵?敳砠灯牦攠獨獥楡潬湴?灹爠潡普楤氠楎湎杖?潩普?浥散摴慥此愠??佳牨礬稠楡慮獤?汩慮琠楡灮整獥??敯硲瀠潫獩敤摮?瑹漠?敥湵摣潯挭牣楹湴敥?搮椠獂牍畃瀠瑍楯湬朠?捩桯敬洬椠挱愱氺猠″戶礼?煲甾慐湥瑩椠瑄慥瑳楨癥敮?爬攠慓汵?琠楙浯敮?剨呵?倬?剃??呮漠硓楨捡潮汧?卩据楧?????????????????扢牲?婦桩慳湨朠??慐潄捈甠湣??匠畢湥??楳??堠楡慳漠?娠桲楥穦桥潲湥杮??攠瑧?慮汥???ひㄠ???兲略慳湳瑩楯瑮愠瑡楮癡敬?牳敩慳氠?瑮椠浣敲?剳味?偳?剢?獡瑭畩摬祹?潣晬?灮慥瑤栠潥杭敢湲?楯湳搮甠捁敮摡?朠敂湩敯?敨硥灭爬攠猳猶椳漨渲?椺渠′爹漱挭欲?戳爼敢慲派??佡灦汦敬朠湍愠瑗栬甠獔?晣慨獯捰楡慤琠畁猬????湯瑭敥牴渠慃氬?捥潴渠瑡牬漮氠猲‰昰漴爮?摄慥瑴慥?湭潩牮浡慴汩楯穮愠瑯楦漠湳???慬牥??敯湵潳浥????????????扳爬?婤桩敦渀最?圀攀渀樀椀愀渀最??匀甀渀??椀??? ?????瘀愀氀甀愀琀椀漀渀?漀昀?栀漀甀猀攀欀攀攀瀀椀渀最?最攀渀攀猀?愀猀?爀攀昀攀爀攀渀挀攀猀?昀漀爀?焀甀愀渀琀椀琀愀琀椀瘀攀?爀攀愀氀?琀椀洀攀?刀吀?倀?刀?愀渀愀氀礀猀椀猀?漀昀?最攀渀攀?攀砀瀀爀攀猀猀椀漀渀?椀渀??愀瀀愀渀攀猀攀?昀氀漀甀渀搀攀爀??倀愀爀愀氀椀挀栀琀栀礀猀?漀氀椀瘀愀挀攀甀猀????椀猀栀?匀栀攀氀氀昀椀猀栀??洀洀甀渀??? ?????????????戀爀?娀栀漀渀最?儀椀眀愀渀最??娀栀愀渀最?儀甀愀渀焀椀??圀愀渀最?娀栀椀最愀渀最??攀琀?愀氀???  ????砀瀀爀攀猀猀椀漀渀?瀀爀漀昀椀氀椀渀最?愀渀搀?瘀愀氀椀搀愀琀椀漀渀?漀昀?瀀漀琀攀渀琀椀愀氀?爀攀昀攀爀攀渀挀攀?最攀渀攀猀?搀甀爀椀渀最?倀愀爀愀氀椀挀栀琀栀礀猀?漀氀椀瘀愀挀攀甀猀?攀洀戀爀礀漀最攀渀攀猀椀猀???愀爀??椀漀琀攀挀栀渀漀氀??? ??????? ????
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