Mar. 2025


2024 Vol. 43, No. 4

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2024-4 Cover
2024, 43(4)
2024-4 Contents
2024, 43(4): 1-2.
Influence of lithospheric thickness distribution on oil and gas basins, China seas and adjacent areas
Jing Ma, Wanyin Wang, Hermann Zeyen, Yimi Zhang, Zhongsheng Li, Tao He, Dingding Wang
2024, 43(4): 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2342-7
The distribution of oil and gas resources is intricately connected to the underlying structure of the lithosphere. Therefore, investigating the characteristics of lithospheric thickness and its correlation with oil and gas basins is highly important....
Paleogene transgression process and environmental evolution in the deepwater area of the Baiyun Depression in the northern South China Sea
Peijun Qiao, Yuchi Cui, Qiong Ma, Qiang Yu, Lei Shao
2024, 43(4): 15-24. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2340-9
Multiple borehole samples are collected from the Baiyun Depression in deep-water area of the northern South China Sea (SCS) in an effort to reconstruct transgression processes during the Paleogene based on palynalgal analysis. This study indicates th...
Geometry and 3D seismic characterisation of post-rift normal faults in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea
Yuanhang Liu, Jinwei Gao, Wanli Chen, Jiliang Wang, Umair Khan
2024, 43(4): 25-39. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2337-4
Based on high-resolution 3D seismic data acquired in the Pearl (Zhujiang) River Mouth Basin of the northern South China Sea, this study investigated the geometry, spatial extension, and throw distribution of the post-rift normal fault through detaile...
Thermal and exhumation history of the Songnan Low Uplift, Qiongdongnan Basin: constraints from the apatite fission-track and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology
Xiaoyin Tang, Kaixun Zhang, Shuchun Yang, Shuai Guo, Xinyan Zhao, Zhizhao Bai
2024, 43(4): 40-49. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2253-z

Significant advancements have been made in the study of Mesozoic granite buried hills in the Songnan Low Uplift (SNLU) of the Qiongdongnan Basin. These findings indicate that the bedrock buried hills in this basin hold great potential for exploration...

Structural features in the mid-southern section of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge based on satellite altimetry gravity anomaly
Feifei Zhang, Dingding Wang, Xiaolin Ji, Fanghui Hou, Yuan Yang, Wanyin Wang
2024, 43(4): 50-60. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2341-8
The Kyushu–Palau Ridge (KPR), an anti-S-shaped submarine highland at the center of the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP), is considered the residual arc of the Izu–Bonin–Mariana Island Arc, which retains key information about the cessation of the Western Ph...
The Middle Miocene lobe-shaped and band-shaped submarine fans in the Lingshui Sag, Qiongdongnan Basin: source-to-sink system, genesis and implication
Xingzong Yao, Congjun Feng, Hongjun Qu, Min Zhang, Daming Li
2024, 43(4): 61-79. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2336-5
Deepwater oil and gas exploration is the key to sustainable breakthroughs in petroleum exploration worldwide. The Central Canyon gas field has confirmed the Lingshui Sag is a hydrocarbon-generating sag, and the deepwater reservoirs in the Lingshui Sa...
Genetic relationship between formation, accumulation and migration and dispersion of peat materials in Paleogene – Take the Qiongdongnan Basin as an example
Xiaojing Li, Zengxue Li, Dongdong Wang, Guangzeng Song, Pingli Wang, Haiyan Liu
2024, 43(4): 80-91. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2334-7
Coal-type source rocks include both coal and terrigenous marine source rocks. By studying the distribution of secondary depressions, uplifts, as well as the characteristics of peat formation and accumulation in the northern marginal sea basin of the ...
Study on crustal thickness and the prediction of prolific depressions: the Bohai Basin as an example
Mengke Cai, Gongcheng Zhang, Wanyin Wang, Dingding Wang
2024, 43(4): 92-104. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2339-2
The deep crustal structure is closely related to oil and gas reserves. Predicting the oil and gas enrichment of depressions based on the Moho depth and crustal thickness is a promising research topic with significant implications for guiding explorat...
Structural characteristics and tectonic division of the Zambezi Delta basin in the offshore East Africa: evidences from gravity and seismic data
Guozhang Fan, Wen Li, Liangbo Ding, Wanyin Wang, Hongping Wang, Dingding Wang, Lin Li, Hao Wang, Chaofeng Wang, Qingluan Wang, Ying Zhang
2024, 43(4): 105-118. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2338-3
The Zambezi Delta basin is a passive marginal basin located on the East African coast that has good oil and gas exploration potential. Due to the special geological evolutionary background of the Beira High in the Zambezi Delta basin, it has a low gr...
Formation environment and hydrocarbon potential of the Paleogene Enping Formation coal measures in the Zhu Ⅰ Depression of northern South China Sea
Yuting Yin, Lei Lan, Dongdong Wang, Ying Chen, Yan Liu, Youchuan Li, Zengxue Li, Jiamin Liu
2024, 43(4): 119-135. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2333-8
The coal-measure source rock in the Chinese sea area plays a significant role as a hydrocarbon source rock, with its genetic environment, development and distribution, and hydrocarbon generation potential serving as essential factors for the explorat...
Astronomical influence of the development of Paleogene thin coal seam groups in offshore Lacustrine basins: A case study of the Zhu Ⅰ Depression’s Enping Formation located in the northern South China Sea
Yan Liu, Shengbing Huang, Dongdong Wang, Nan Li, Yuting Yin, Ying Chen, Zengxue Li
2024, 43(4): 136-150. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2332-x
The development of the Paleogene coal seams in China’s offshore basin areas generally had the characteristics of coal measures with large thicknesses, large numbers of coal seams, thin single coal seams, poor stability, scattered vertical distributio...