Application of DNA metabarcoding to characterize the diet of the moon jellyfish Aurelia coerulea polyps and ephyrae

Tingting Sun Lei Wang Jianmin Zhao Zhijun Dong

Tingting Sun, Lei Wang, Jianmin Zhao, Zhijun Dong. Application of DNA metabarcoding to characterize the diet of the moon jellyfish Aurelia coerulea polyps and ephyrae[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(8): 160-167. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1800-8
Citation: Tingting Sun, Lei Wang, Jianmin Zhao, Zhijun Dong. Application of DNA metabarcoding to characterize the diet of the moon jellyfish Aurelia coerulea polyps and ephyrae[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(8): 160-167. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1800-8

doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1800-8

Application of DNA metabarcoding to characterize the diet of the moon jellyfish Aurelia coerulea polyps and ephyrae

Funds: The National Key Research and Development Program of China under contract No. 2018YFC1406501; the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under contract No. XDA23050301; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. 41876138; the Instrument Developing Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under contract No. YJKYYQ20180047; the Key Research and Development Program of Yantai under contract No. 2018ZHGY073.
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  • Figure  1.  Sampling site for Aurelia coerulea polyps and ephyrae in the Fenghuang Lake, southern Yellow Sea.

    Figure  2.  Neighbor joining tree for prey taxa in the polyps and ephyrae of the moon jellyfish Aurelia coerulea using the Tajima-Nei model with 1 000 bootstrap replications. + Presence.

    Figure  3.  Rank abundance of phylogenetic class and order of prey organisms detected in the polyps and ephyrae of the moon jellyfish Aurelia coerulea. The y axis shows percent of total reads that each taxonomic contributes. a. Class and b. order.

    Table  1.   Prey taxa detected in the polyps and ephyrae of the moon jellyfish Aurelia coerulea

    AnnelidaPolychaetaSpionidaPseudopolydora paucibranchiata100%11.130MN165825
    Polydora sp.99%0.070MN165843
    SabellidaHydroides panamensis 100%02.49MN165831
    TerebellidaCtenodrilus serratus 100%00.03MN165847
    ScolecidaArenicola brasiliensis 100%00.03MN165854
    ArthropodaMalacostracaBrachyuraHemigrapsus takanoi100%0.690MN165834
    MaxillopodaCalanoidaLabidocera sp.96%6.650.01MN165826
    Eurytemora affinis 99%1.260.06MN165828
    Acartia pacifica 100%0.120MN165842
    Eurytemora pacifica99%48.470.33MN165822
    CyclopoidaCyclopina sp. 95%1.640.06MN165829
    HarpacticoidaThalestridae sp.99%02.21MN165832
    Stenhelia sp.92%0.131.85MN165833
    Amphiascoides atopus99%01.43MN165835
    Normanellidae sp.98%01.00MN165836
    Mesochra sp.99%00.42MN165839
    Tisbe sp.99%00.01MN165863
    Amonardia sp.100%07.72MN165827
    Uncultured copepod94%00.43MN165837
    ChordataAscidiaceaStolidobranchiataStyela clava100%00.01MN165861
    CiliophoraOligohymenophoreaSessilidaPseudovorticella sp.198%<0.010.02MN165851
    Pseudovorticella sp.2 100%00.02MN165853
    PhyllopharyngeaEndogenidaAcineta sp.99%00.02MN165848
    SpirotricheaChoreotrichidaRimostrombidium veniliae99%00.01MN165857
    TintinninaChoreotrichia sp.100%0<0.01MN165862
    Uncultured clilate97%0<0.01MN165864
    TelonemeaTelonemidaTelonema sp.99%00.01MN165852
    CnidariaHydrozoaFiliferaRathkea octopunctata100%10.7960.48MN165823
    CapitataSarsia tubulosa100%18.4018.47MN165824
    Cladonema californicum100%0.332.47MN165830
    Ectopleura larynx99%<0.010.03MN165845
    StaurozoaStauromedusaeHaliclystus sp.100%00.04MN165849
    NematodaAdenophoreaChromadoridaNeochromadora sp. 96%00.01MN165855
    EnoplidaOncholaimus sp.91%00.01MN165856
    Anticomidae sp.100%00.02MN165858
    Enoplus taipingensis100%00.01MN165860
    PlatyhelminthesRhabditophoraPolycladidaNotoplana australis 100%0.160MN165838
    MacrostomidaMicrostomum sp.99%0.050.10MN165840
    Macrostomum pusillum 99%0.020.03MN165844
    RhabdocoelaPromesostoma sp.99%0.070.05MN165841
    OchrophytaPhaeophyceaeChordarialesHalothrix ambigua100%00.01MN165865
    BacillariophytaCentricaeNaviculalesNavicula sp.99%00.07MN165846
    DiscoidalesThalassiosira guillardii100%0<0.01MN165859
    DeuteromycotinaHyphomycetesHyphomycetalesAspergillus sp.100%0.010MN165850
    Note: The datasets generated for this study are available for download via GenBank with accession numbers MN165822-MN165865. The classification system used here is Cavalier-Smith’s system of classification (Cavalier-Smith, 1998).
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